Sjoerd Poelman

TU Echo Signing

TU Echo Signing

Fokkema & Partners Architecten

All rights of this project belong to Fokkema & Partners Architecten. This is used for reference only.

TU Echo is an interfaculty education building, which all the TU Delft technical studies can use, ranging from architecture to aerospace. With seven teaching rooms, 360 study places, and an inviting restaurant, the building offers space for a variety of functions. The building has been given an open, friendly appearance and contributes to TU Delft's sustainability ambition; it is energy efficient, robust, and flexible. Fokkema responded with a circular interior concept of reused furnishing elements, fresh-looking colours and playful signing.

The exterior and interior of the building are designed by UNStudio, Fokkema & Partners was selected to design its furnishing and later on also the signing.

After completing the interior concept Fokkema was asked to also design the 'signing'. The routing of the building is intuitive and easy to follow because of the open logical building structure. In our view, the "signing" provided an opportunity to add an extra layer, to connect the various spaces subtly.

UNStudio designed the building with wooden ribs, almost like the sides of a mushroom. This playful rhythm of ribs reminded us of the straight lines and signs of technical notation, which is directly linked to the technical studies at the TU Delft. As a result, we ran the signing along these ribs, creating a natural and logical overall image and an interesting dialogue with the building.